Our way of working

We believe it is our company’s responsibility to ensure that good employment practices and respect for human rights are implemented throughout our product and service supply chains.

Ethical code

An ethical workplace

We are aware that we play a crucial role as a go-between for production sites and retailers. At Atlante, we firmly believe in the importance of ethics in the workplace, and we recognize our social responsibility to protect not only our employees, but also all the staff in our supply chain. For this reason, we ask our suppliers, contractors and any other party directly or indirectly involved in our activities to comply fully with our Ethics Policy and all applicable labour, health and safety regulations in the countries where we operate.
In 2015 we joined the Sedex platform, and in 2020 we became members of the Food Network for the Ethical Trade, a round table of producers and retailers created in the UK to share best practices for the respect and control of ethical standards through the food production and supply chains.

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Health and well-being

The health and well-being of consumers, of the workers involved in our production activities, and of our employees and others who work with us stand at the core of Atlante’s business. We ensure that high standards are met in accordance with the strictest hygiene practices, and that products are manufactured and packaged using fresh, controlled raw materials. We guarantee careful and precise transport supervision so that products are delivered safely, quickly and without waste. We pay particular attention to the health of all workers involved, even indirectly, in our activities, ensuring that decent conditions are guaranteed for all those who work in our supply chain, in compliance with our ethical policy. The well-being of our employees is promoted by corporate welfare activities and a welcoming work environment where dialogue and innovation, teamwork and personal growth are encouraged, and are actively promoted by specially-designed training courses.

Caring for the environment

Caring for the environment has always been a priority for Atlante. We reduced our emissions thanks to the decision not to market meat, and by selecting producers with certified sustainable plants, and by adopting logistics strategies designed to optimize transport journeys. We are currently facing a new challenge: to reduce our consumption of plastics in packaging and make them increasingly recyclable. In particular, we are working to introduce packaging in easily recyclable materials, made entirely from renewable sources that will allow us to achieve a significant reduction of CO2. We are committed to sustainable solutions with our Greek specialty line: our Greek frozen yoghurt comes in fully recyclable paper packaging, and our quality department is working on biodegradable packaging for the yoghurt line.
Our goal for the future is to reduce the consumption of plastics as much as possible through a constant and significant commitment.

Success stories

Policy sulla commercializzazione di carne, pollame e uova.

11 April 2024

Towards a Sustainable, Plant-Based Future: Our Policy for Ethical Sourcing

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30 November 2023

“Sustainability for the Future – Awareness Day” organised by Atlante at the MAST Foundation in Bologna

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Colletta Alimentare Atlante

20 November 2023

Charity Food Collection 2023 together with Banco Alimentare

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See all the stories

Plant-Based Hub

Atlante Observatory dedicated to vegan world.

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