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Atlante continues to support fondazione banco alimentare emilia romagna to help the needy
Over the last two years, more than 885 thousand packages of food products from the brands distributed by Atlante have been supplied to Banco Alimentare Emilia Romagna, recovering the excess of goods that could no longer be sold on the market but that were safe to consume
Scarica docAtlante unveils new website highlighting expertise and product overview
Atlante is pleased to present its new website:, fully updated with our latest company information, a look at Atlante’s business model, and a complete overview of its product and brand portfolio.
Scarica docAtlante esporta le mele italiane in India
Con Atlante le mele italiane volano in India • Esportate le mele Gala, Granny e Red Delicious prodotte in Trentino Alto-Adige e Piemonte • Da settembre ad oggi sono stati esportati in India 1.000.000 kg di mele in 50 container
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