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Commodities Flash News

Flash News Cocoa – Commodities Bulletin

26 July 2024

Cocoa crisis: African harvests decline and prices hit record highs, straining global market

Canada: calano le scorte di sciroppo d’acero

Canada: maple syrup stocks decline

10 July 2024

Maple syrup reserves in Canada are at their lowest in 16 years due to mild spring temperatures. A bountiful harvest is expected to replenish the reserves

La crisi delle banane: il fungo tr4 e l'impatto dei cambiamenti climatici sulla produzione globale

Banana Crisis: Climate Threats and Diseases

4 July 2024

Bananas are threatened by the TR4 pathogen and climate change, risking global production and the food security of millions.

Prezzi alle stelle per il cacao, il cioccolato diventa introvabile intervista a Natasha Linhart

Skyrocketing cocoa prices are leading to chocolate scarcity

14 May 2024

The rising prices of cocoa are making chocolate increasingly rare on the shelves. Atlante explains the causes of the crisis and offers suggestions on how to address it.

high temperatures on commodity -L’impatto delle alte temperature sui mercati delle materie prime

The impact of high temperatures on commodity markets

4 August 2023

High temperatures affect commodity markets, causing price volatility and production issues. Analysis of the most impacted areas and adaptations to mitigate the impact.

La fine dell’accordo del grano Russia Ucrania - Black Sea Wheat Agreement

The end of the Black Sea Wheat Agreement

4 August 2023

The end of the Black Sea Wheat Agreement has disrupted Ukrainian exports, causing global market instability and logistical pressures in neighboring European countries.