plant based hub

Atlante Observatory dedicated to vegan world.

Plant-based Hub was created to meet the demand of a dedicated platform with global news and a special attention for the Italian market. It Includes sector news, trends, interviews to plant-based experts and much more… to dream of a green future together!

Trend 2024 bevande vegetali

Plant-based beverages: the cornerstone of the plant-based industry

27 May 2024

Plant-based beverages dominate the market with 7% growth in 2023. Atlante expands the Benesse range and introduces sugar-free and barista lines.

food waste plant based

Food waste and world hunger: what is the connection? Here are insights from the 2024 Food Waste Index report

14 May 2024

Though one-third of the population lacks access to sufficient food, one billion meals are wasted globally every day, equivalent to one-fifth of global food production. This is the data revealed by UNEP’s 2024 Food Waste Index Report, which provides a […]

Health and Plant-Based Nutrition: The Impact of the Health System on Society

Health and Plant-Based Nutrition: The Impact of the Health System on Society

2 May 2024

A study reveals a vegan diet could save the UK’s NHS £6.7 billion and reduce illnesses. The Vegan Society suggests policies to promote healthy and ethical dietary choices.